Aditya Birla Finance Limited

that enable you to fulfill your needs & desires without delay.

Beware of fraud! It’s come to our notice that some people are misusing our name to cheat people of their money
by promising loans at unrealistic rates, on fake websites. We urge you to be careful.


For wedding, Travel, Medical emergency, Debt consolidation, Home renovation / interiors or any other expenses.

Home Loan

& other home financing solutions

For home loans, home renovation, home extension, home construction, plot construction, construction finance and afordable housing solutions.

SME & Business

For business expansion, inventory procurement, working capital demand, vendor financing or as a line of credit.


(Residential / Commercial / Industrial)

For personal needs like home restoration, high cost medical emergencies or for business needs.

Loan Against Securities

For taking a loan against your shares, mutual fund, life insurance, ESOPs or IPO financing - for your personal or business needs.

Not sure which
product to opt for?

We will get back with a recommended product for you.